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Tummy Healing Tea One Month Supply

Tummy Healing Tea One Month Supply

Regular price $29.45 USD
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Our tea blend is uniquely formulated based on an old recipe that has been in our family for a very long time, made with eight herbs for the dietary management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms.
This tea was crafted for you if you are someone who suffers from lower abdominal discomfort, heartburn, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

Tummy Healing Tea consists of : Cardamom seed , Tarragon, Dandelion root , Cloves, Bay Leaves, Thyme, Fennel, Coriander . 

My Story :
As a child, I spent countless hours in my grandmother's herbal store a place filled with the comforting scent of dried herbs and the soothing hum of brewing teas. My grandmother often shared stories of how her parents, and their parents before them, had used the same notebook to create teas and remedies. Two years after I moved to united state, I started having tummy troubles and my family send me my grandmother herbal note book and in less than two weeks after drinking the tummy healing tea my symptoms have all improved , now I am so grateful that I have the pleasure to share this herbal teas with you.Our teas are crafted with the same care and dedication that my grandmother and her ancestors put into their creations. We source our herbs ethically and sustainably, ensuring that each cup of tea you enjoy is not only delicious but also a testament to the timeless practices of traditional herbalism.

Cardamom seeds :  
aid digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes, which help break down food more efficiently. Additionally, cardamom's carminative properties help relieve gas and bloating by expelling gas from the digestive system, reducing discomfort. The essential oils in cardamom seeds can also relax the stomach muscles, easing cramping and promoting smoother digestion overall. 

Dandelion root :
aids digestion by acting as a mild laxative, promoting bowel movements and relieving constipation. It also stimulates the production of bile, which enhances the breakdown of fats and supports overall digestive function.

contains compounds like linalool and borneol, which have been shown to aid digestion by relaxing digestive muscles and reducing spasms. Its high fiber content helps regulate bowel movements and promotes healthy digestion. Additionally, coriander possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate digestive discomfort and reduce symptoms of bloating or gas.

beneficial for digestion due to their ability to help alleviate stomach cramps, indigestion, and nausea. Additionally, their antimicrobial properties may help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, supporting overall digestive health.

Fennel :
helps with digestion by relaxing the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing spasms and discomfort associated with indigestion. Additionally, compounds in fennel seeds stimulate the production of digestive juices and enzymes, which enhances the digestion process and reduces bloating and gas.

Bay leaves:

aid digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive juices, enzymes, and bile, which help break down food more efficiently and support optimal nutrient absorption. Additionally, the compounds found in bay leaves possess properties that help calm the digestive system, reducing discomfort and promoting overall gastrointestinal health.

contains compounds like eugenol and estragole, which can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, aiding in the breakdown of food. Its carminative properties help to alleviate gas, bloating, and indigestion by soothing the digestive tract and promoting proper digestion.

supports digestion by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes, which aids in the efficient breakdown of food components and facilitates nutrient absorption in the digestive tract. Additionally, thyme's antispasmodic properties help soothe gastrointestinal muscles, reducing cramping and discomfort associated with indigestion.


Mix one teaspoon of your herbal blend to 8 to 10 Oz of hot water, add creamer and sweetener of your choice and your tea is ready to drink.

Weight :   5 Ounces

Some of the Tummy healing tea benefits:
  • Reduce bloating
  • Soothes the stomach
  • Ease or prevent constipation
  • Relieve cramps and abdominal discomfort
  • Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants
  • Rich source of vitamins and minerals

Tummy Healing Tea is:

Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Should not be used by children, pregnant or lactating women.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Sheila Hogetvedt
Tummy Tea

Gave me Bad Stomach Ache. But tasted ok


Tummy Healing Tea One Month Supply

Life Saver

I love the taste of this tummy healing tea, I read the reviews and I told myself it's the time to stop wasting money on other product and try this tea , and I am so glad that I did, my stomach issues is gone just after couple days, and the taste combinations is delicious , I would DEFINITELY recommend this tea .

Deborah D
Tummy healing tea and detox tea

I had a hard time with the taste of tummy healing tea. I added honey to it followed by a fruit smoothie. I’m getting use to the taste. After a few days, I started noticing an improvement in my symptoms. The detox tea taste good and I haven’t noticed anything yet but I just started it. Customer service is incredible! My first review gave it 1 star, now I give it 5 stars. I know that it is slowly helping my stomach but I know a big part of my issues are with my sugary diet. I crave sugar, chocolate and it hurts my stomach. The tea is getting my digestion working again.

This product has given me my life back

my mornings are usually rough. Gas, and cramps,this tea is my go to first thing after waking up. I was in so much pain and unable to leave my home before I Started drinking this tea, Thank you

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Sheila Hogetvedt
Tummy Tea

Gave me Bad Stomach Ache. But tasted ok


Tummy Healing Tea One Month Supply

Life Saver

I love the taste of this tummy healing tea, I read the reviews and I told myself it's the time to stop wasting money on other product and try this tea , and I am so glad that I did, my stomach issues is gone just after couple days, and the taste combinations is delicious , I would DEFINITELY recommend this tea .

Deborah D
Tummy healing tea and detox tea

I had a hard time with the taste of tummy healing tea. I added honey to it followed by a fruit smoothie. I’m getting use to the taste. After a few days, I started noticing an improvement in my symptoms. The detox tea taste good and I haven’t noticed anything yet but I just started it. Customer service is incredible! My first review gave it 1 star, now I give it 5 stars. I know that it is slowly helping my stomach but I know a big part of my issues are with my sugary diet. I crave sugar, chocolate and it hurts my stomach. The tea is getting my digestion working again.

This product has given me my life back

my mornings are usually rough. Gas, and cramps,this tea is my go to first thing after waking up. I was in so much pain and unable to leave my home before I Started drinking this tea, Thank you